Sunday, September 1, 2013


51.      True and accurate communication can exist in only two circumstances: a) The experiences and networks of the communicators are identical, or b) one or more of the communicators is able to directly impress their sensual perceptions into the mind of the other(s).

52.      Shared intimacy at this level is the greatest personal risk an individual can take.

53.      The reason we cannot reverse the effect of fire (31) and turn energy (heat and light) back into wood, is that not only would one need the same amount of energy, but the same energy.

54.      If we cannot create mass that we know (wood) from energy, what substances might be created by forcing energy into networks it was never a willing partner to? Those masses can only be more unpredictable, volatile, and dangerous than the energy created through the disruption of willing networks.

55.      Consider (34) the unpredictable and uncontrollable energy disruptions latent in the forcing of people into unwilling networks. Certainly the secret of good government would be to channel existing networks into creative good rather than to attempt the creation of new or unwilling networks to accomplish preconceived goals of power.

56.      As one studies the mythology of various cultures (36) certain similarities continually crop up. Yet, every attempt to find a common cultural or mythical root ends fruitless. So while one sees the same themes, the master thought or mother concept frequently remains obscure. This is because, as the myth travels through different networks, it adapts itself—like water to the banks of a stream—to the network through which it flows. Thus the message is limited by the method of transmission.

57.      As long as our mythology is transmitted by means of words, we limit it to the scope of that code. When we are brave enough in our intimacy to transmit the thoughts and concepts codified, we will know only the truth.

58.      In a similar paradox, we speak of soul and body or spirit and physical as if there were a rigid dichotomy between them. Yet we recognize that we are one whole being, indivisible. In reality, they are the same essence of being, channeled into differing networks. (46-48)

59.      Not being limited by space and time, one essence of being may be channeled into multiple networks and/or subnetworks.

60.  Historical Convergencies. Hegel said, Hypothesis + Antithesis = Synthesis. That synthesis becoming a new hypothesis. But . . . Imagine, if you would, a great pendulum suspended at the top of its first arc, posed for the downswing. When released, it passes through a center vertical and then rises to an opposite height, not quite so bold as its initial glory, before swooping down again toward the vertical. Is there ever really a synthesis?

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