Saturday, April 19, 2014


371. All higher mammals (including humans) have an inclination toward addiction. It is very easy to addict them to almost anything.

372. In some circles this is known as training.

373. Addictions are of two principal varieties: physical and emotional. An addiction to earning money or to love is every bit as compelling as a chemical dependency.

374. Our ravaged immune system is our only defense mechanism against both types of addiction.

375. An example of the expanded possibilities resulting from changing from a geometric system of x dimensions to a geometric system of x+1 dimensions is to be seen in the ancient problem of trisecting an angle, or creating a new angle of exactly 1/3 the radians of the original. In Euclidean plane geometry (2-dimensional) it is impossible to construct such an angle.

376. It can be demonstrated, however, that moving to a third dimension makes the trisection a theoretically simple procedure. It further poses the challenge, however, of creating the tools that enable us to model in three dimensions with the ease of a straight edge and compass in two dimensions.

377. Three planes, as defined in Euclidean systems, which share a common intersection—that is a single point shared by all three planes—will create three intersecting lines, defined by the intersections of each pair of planes. These lines define the x, y, and z axes of 3-dimensional solid geometry, which divides space into octants.

378. It is not necessary that the intersection of the axes form 90 degree angles in every relationship. It is, however, necessary to select an octant in which the three angular relationships of the axes are equal. These angles shall be called the angles of origin in the primary octant.

379. It is possible, utilizing the basic tenants of Euclidean geometry, to bisect any of the angles of origin of the primary octant. The resulting ray is always equidistant from the primary axes that it bisects; such a ray is a secondary axis.

380. If any two of the angles of origin the primary octant are so bisected, the angle formed at the intersection of the secondary axes will be 2/3 of the angle of origin. The secondary angle, when bisected, will yield an angle 1/3 that of the angle of origin, or one trisection of said angle.

EDITOR’S NOTE: A true genius like Da Vinci would have filled sketchbooks and notebooks with drawings illustrating what he was talking about and allowing a reasonably intelligent person with a background in the subject to deconstruct his logic. Not so with Wesley and thus it is impossible to determine if he had a moment of genius level clarity in this writing or if these are the ramblings of an idiot. There are no drawings or sketches to go with these notes. Wesley did everything in his head and thus even his theoretical planes may have been bent to his will. Perhaps a computer modeling program might be devised to follow Wesley’s descriptions, but Wesley himself, wrote in the early 80s before computers had become accessible to ordinary humans.

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