Sunday, May 25, 2014


431. There are many English words that may be classified as definitions of love; therefore, I propose the following taxonomy. Disclaimer: There is no hierarchy in this list, nor is any intended. Religious philosophers of a future generation can have at it.

432. Luvus accompanada: Common attraction. This type of love is identified by the simple pleasure of being in another person’s company. It is sparked by the immediacy of the person’s presence. It explains why people sit or stand where they do in groups. It must be carefully distinguished from Luvus attracta.

433. Luvus attracta: The desire to be in another person’s company. The distinguishing marks of this type of love is its internal motivation, not being dependent on a direct stimuli as the former. Subtypes A and B of Luvus attracta are differentiated only by whether or not the desire is directed toward a specific individual or is simply a desire to be accompanied in general.

434. Luvus affecta: Commonly called affection. This type of love is distinguished by the impulse to fawn, pet, or otherwise come in contact with its objective. This is equally as valid when the object of affection is a dog as it is when it is a person, therefore, Luvus affecta is not a purely sexual desire.

435. Luvus philea: Yes, this is brotherly or sibling love. This type of love is obligatory. It defines a socially acceptable mode of behavior attached to the relationship of the individuals. It is externally motivated and provides a framework for civil relations in the most unloving relationships. Luvus phelea is love based on the accident of birth.

436. Luvus cynthia: To the objective eye this may appear the same as Luvus philea as it also describes a sibling love that complies with social standards. Its difference is that it is internally motivated regardless of any apparent external pressures or prescribed behavior. Thus Luvus cynthia may properly be described as a hybrid of 433 and/or 434 with 435.

437. Luvus sexus: This is the object love generally felt at or near the moment of sexual fulfillment for any person or object facilitating it. Luvus sexus does not distinguish the facilitators from each other, cannot differentiate between the animate and inanimate, and does not grade for quality.

438. Luvus romantic: This is an environmental type of love, frequently brought about by appropriate lighting, looks, soft words, and music. It has the ability to affect a person’s judgment abilities and should may be closely related to Luvus seductia.

439. Luvus erotica: This type of love is a stimulus response. It acts on the central nervous system by way of neural centers located near the surface of the body. At this stimulus, the remainder of the body seems to respond involuntarily, marked by increased heart rate, engorged sexual organs, and rapid breathing.

440. Luvus parenta: Only a parent can love a child and thus this species describes the unique bond that exists between parent and child. Unlike many types of love, Luvus parenta describes a two-way flow of emotion and therefore may mutate into other forms if that flow is disrupted.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Wesley continues in the next section with three more types of love and then professes this to be only a partial list.

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